I love creating wallpapers, but can't use them all. I thought I'd share a few since I love windowblinds. I know I'm not good at making skins or anything, but I wanted to contribute something!
preview sizes
Published on May 25, 2010 By jazzilady In WinCustomize 2011 Feedback


I've been wondering why at times the previews for wallpapers are really a great size, and sometimes they're all bloated out of proportion and look awful! When a wallpaper gets blown up, it looks horrable! Pixels all over the place, but when they show normal, well, you get my drift. Shouldn't it be one size all the time? Preferrably the smaller previews?

on May 30, 2010

The preview size is determined and displayed according to the Picture you upload as the preview. If you want a good preview, you have to upload a good preview. A larger preview will display better than a small one.

on Jul 29, 2010

It took a long time to get that answer! Thanks Frankie, I figured it out.