Hi all,
This is my first time writing anything in WinCustomize. Something has been bothering me though, I've been seeing a lot of renders that are right from a certain author and he's not getting the credit for it. Aren't we supposed to at least mention their names when they have done all the work? Give credit where credit is due! I uploaded a wall paper called Collosal and I made sure that everyone knew that it was from dfeaton316 at www.deviantArt.com. The only thing I noticed was other people coming up with the same exact graphics, but no mention of this artist? What is up with that? Give the man his credit!!
I admit, I havent always done that, but, and I know I've been wrong in the past. I'm trying now though, to give credit to the right people, and hope that makes up for the past?
This in no way implies that this was written with any one person in mind.